“帝国:罗马崛起”是一个战争策略游戏,你将与世界各地玩家共同战斗,并期待有朝一日能脱颖而出成为罗马的主宰。你在游戏中需要运用到各种外交手段,会有很多凭借武力无法办到的事;所以一个强大的联盟能帮助你更好解决一些争端。罗马崛起中有超过22种功能迥异的建筑以及20余种特色鲜明的军事单位。每个建筑都有自己的功能和外形;每个军事单位都有自己的科技和特点。另,每位玩家还有一个独特的英雄,他可以带领你的部队发起战争或是管理你的城市。当然,你可以用武器和盔甲装备你的英雄或是在天赋树中设计自己独有的技能天赋。发展城市、研究科学技术、训练军队、开展贸易。你能做的事很多,但*的目标是成为主宰。经常和你的朋友和盟友聊天,了解他们的需要,展现你的手段,向罗马的进军。“献血与荣耀并存”Attention! Empire: Roman Rising' s hacking tool has been lately falsified, don't trust it. Our development team has already made sure there isn't any hacking danger, play without worries. homepage: https://www. .com/empireromerisingForge an empire to stand the test of time in Empire: Rome Rising. Transform your small city into a major power and test yourself against players from around the globe. Help Rome rise again using your strategy, courage and diplomacy. Can you build an empire to take on the world?? Construct and upgrade your buildings and defenses. Build a city for the ages and choose your own path to world domination. ? Raise huge armies that can defend your empire and defeat your opponents. Build up your army with over 20 different unit types, each with their own attributes and upgradeable features. ? Train and upgrade your Hero and they will lead your troops into battle. Use Gems and Special Items to provide your Hero with special weapons and skills.? Use diplomacy to create alliances and work together with your allies to emerge victorious from battle.? Conduct scientific and technological research to advance your civilization and to help your people prosper. Collect resources and and trade to increase your power. ? Upgrade Skills and Tactics to give your army the edge over your rivals. ? Conquer and occupy new provinces to help your empire will flourish.? Chat with any player in the game, wherever they may be. Use Alliance Chat to strategize with your allies and co-ordinate attacks. Plan your next steps toward supremacy! ? Watch your battles play out in real-time on the world map.
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